Student's Laboratory

Student's Laboratory

WIN lab in Room R216 (Konrad-Zuse-Hause)

The Chair of Business Informatics offers students modern laboratory workstations with up-to-date hardware (partly with two 24" screens per workstation) in room 216 of the Konrad-Zuse-Haus. Several dual-screen workstations are available. Work can be done under different Linux distributions (Ubuntu, CentOS) as well as under Windows (application server of computer science, as well as the ITMZ). In addition, it is also possible to use the workstations (i.e. monitors, keyboard and mouse) to work on one's own laptop via RDP or X. Particular focus is set to the energy-efficient operation of the laboratory. Thus, the ten workstations are realized by only two computers using a multi-seat solution. The Linux installations are implemented as virtual machines on the same hosts. The application servers of ITMZ and Informatik are used as Windows installations.

Among others, the following applications can be used here:

  • all applications offered by the ITMZ on the UNIAPPS application server
  • all offered applications of the computer science institute application server
  • 4EM Modeling Software
  • BiZZdesign Enterprise Studio (Academic Version)
  • Troux Architect
  • Protégé

If you are interested in access to our laboratory, please contact our secretary's office to receive an access card.