Studying Business Information Systems Engineering

Studying Business Information Systems Engineering

Topics for BSc./MSc. Theses

In the course of your studies, you will have to write a master's thesis and/or bachelor's thesis, depending on the course of study. During this time, you will acquire new specialist knowledge and learn the tools of independent development and research work under the guidance and supervision of a supervisor of your choice. Your first step towards successful work is to find an interesting topic for you. To do this, contact a research assistant who could supervise you. In your search for the right supervisor, please orient yourself on the subject area you are looking for and the research focus of the individual team members. Develop as precise an idea as possible of the topic you are interested in. Below you will find the current range of topics offered by the Chair of Information Systems. The list can be extended - in individual discussions with the academic staff.

The list below is not complete! Please also see the german descriptions if possible. Of course you can also always write the research staff of the institute for vacant research topics.

Bachelor Theses

Master Theses