Business & Information Systems Engineering
Language of instruction: German (B2), for English modules and study direction "Business Informatics" English (B2)
Start of study: Each winter term (01.10.)
Content and objectives:
Whether an industrial company, a service company or a public sector body - there is almost no organisation that can do without information systems today. IT solutions are used by advisers in banks and by logistics companies to ship parcels, for product development in industry and for hospital procedures. Good IT solutions require an understanding of the requirements of the organisation and the available IT options, so that you can implement innovative solutions that are just right for your application. A dual qualification in business and computer science will give you the perfect tools for the task - and great career prospects too.
The course is based on the three pillars of business administration, computer science and business informatics in equal parts. All three are complemented by maths, economics and business law, including projects and an internship.
Course structure:
The course covers the basic principles, methods, models and tools required to develop, apply and use information and communication systems in business and public administration. Business informatics specialists also need other qualifications, such as the ability to work in interdisciplinary project teams and to present and discuss results (including in foreign languages), as well as good analytical and design skills for holistic and integrated approaches. The introductory part of the course (semesters 1-3) focuses on basic approaches, methods and technologies. This includes learning the core elements of business administration and computer science, supplemented with interdisciplinary content from business informatics.
For the advanced part of the course (semesters 4-7), students choose one of two areas of study:
- Information systems: Students extend their technical knowledge of the areas of application of business and information systems engineering.
- Business informatics: Students learn specialist skills, extend their foreign language skills in the discipline and gain practical experience of international collaboration. (Internship abroad is required)
Career prospects:
Graduates of the Bachelor's degree can enter many different careers, because they have learnt to work in a problem-oriented way, across disciplines and taking into account social issues. Graduates can analyse problems in business and public administration from the perspective of both business and information technology and can develop and assess potential solutions.
They can therefore pursue careers in all area of business and public administration where computer-supported application systems are developed, implemented and operated. The range of possible sectors and roles is also extensive, from software development to consultancy and in-house roles in IT departments.