Research Laboratory

Research Laboratory

Enterprise Modeling Laboratory

The Chair of Business Information Systems uses special equipment in the field of enterprise modeling and enterprise architecture management. An enterprise modelling laboratory was created for research purposes. In this consulting room with special equipment, groups of up to six persons are supported and observed in all phases of enterprise modelling. The purpose of the observation is to find improvement potentials of methods, notations and tools of enterprise modelling and to experiment with new modelling techniques.

The equipment allows conventional modelling with plastic wall, whiteboard and smartboard, mobile modelling with iPads, modelling on the MultiTouch 55" touch table and the use of new interaction devices such as gesture control and data glasses. The lab is equipped with cameras, microphones, recorders and software for analyzing and encoding the recorded material. In addition, tools are available for enterprise modeling from industrial practice, such as Troux Architect, ARIS or 4EM. The development of corporate ontologies is supported by Protégé and TopBraid Composer. Complementary software environments are available for corporate architecture management, such as planningIT or Valuemation.