Assessor for study program accreditation

Bachelor's and Master's programs at colleges and universities in Germany must be accredited when they are newly established and re-accredited at regular intervals of 5 and 7 years respectively. Accreditation is carried out by accreditation agencies in many German states and is intended to provide a kind of external quality assurance of content, facilities and studyability. Accreditation usually involves external university professors, students from other universities and representatives of professional practice as experts.

Prof. Kurt Sandkuhl has been invited to participate as an assessor in the re-accreditation of a business informatics program at a university in Lower Saxony. This includes the assessment of the university's self-evaluation report, appointments with lecturers, students and officials on site as well as the collaboration on the expert report.

The expert's activity also indirectly contributes to the quality assurance of the own study program in Rostock, since on the one hand innovations in the accreditation practice and on the other hand successful measures for the improvement of the study program at the visited university become clear.
