First SAP TERP10 course at the University of Rostock successfully completed

After a two-week intensive course before Christmas 2017, the certification exam by SAP took place in January. We congratulate all students who passed the exam successfully. They will soon receive their certificate "SAP Certified Solution Business Associate with SAP ERP 6.0".

The Chair of Business Informatics plans to offer regular SAP TERP10 courses for students of the University of Rostock. Participants receive a qualification for a small fee, which costs several thousand euros on the open market. We see this as a building block to improve the very good career opportunities of our graduates even further. SAP is the world leader in enterprise management software. Accordingly, SAP software is used in a variety of companies.

The event provides the participants with knowledge in the area of ​​the consultant profile "SAP ERP Integration". Participants gain a good understanding of how the core business processes in the areas of sales order management, materials and production planning, procurement, inventory management, project management, maintenance, customer service, finance, and internal accounting interact with SAP ERP.
