Reminder - Guest Lecture: Is project management the solution or the problem?

The Business Information Systems team is pleased to welcome on June 9, 2021, starting at 1:15 p.m.
Dr. Frank Meißner, Head of Project Management, Bechtle AG, Neckarsulm, Germany
for a guest lecture (in German only):

Is project management the solution or the problem?

Why projects fail and how to improve the chances of success

Projects are used as organization structure to produce an agreed output with given resources and in a finite amount of time. Unfortunately, in reality, projects often do not stick to their specifications and develop an unpleasant life of their own and flounder. They leave behind disgruntled clients, confused project teams, and all too often, no usable deliverable.

But why do projects flounder and even go completely wrong? And why does it happen in this particular project. Couldn't the failure have been foreseen, and then what can be done to save a floundering project? Is there a project management toolbox to save a project?

Hear examples and approaches from 20 years of project management experience with ups and downs.

The guest lecture in German language will take place as part of the course "Project Studies in Business Informatics" on the Zoom platform, but is open to all interested guests. It will take place on June 9, 2021, starting at 1:15 p.m. in the following Zoom room:
(Meeting-ID: 646 1962 1513   Kenncode: 595164)

