Master Defence of Martin Lichtwark

Martin Lichtwark, business informatics student at the University of Rostock, has completed his master's thesis on the topic of demand-oriented supply of information to individuals and groups via digital signage solutions. Supervisors and experts are Prof. Andreas Heuer and Prof. Kurt Sandkuhl, University of Rostock.

The defense took place on 07 September 2018. 



Digitization is a topic that currently occupies a substantial part in public discussion. New digital services and products are constantly changing the processes and structures. The intensive use of recent developments in information technology and the merging of the real with the digital world also includes the so-called Digital Signage (DS). The service offering of this family of systems is steadily increasing and integrating a broad diversity of increasingly sophisticated recognition and contextualization technologies across the entire competitive landscape. In addition to in-depth research and extensively worked out details on the DS itself, widespread and existing use scenarios and technology approaches for data contextualization, each used for a multi-level comprehensive classification, processed and evaluated their use combinations of performed practical DS system developments. Afterwards a practical feasibility study on operational capability and interlocking concise technology approaches in relation to DS systems is carried out.
