Christoph Gibcke Defends His Master's Thesis

Christoph Gibcke, Business Informatics student at the University of Rostock, will defend his master thesis on "Analysis and classification of ontologies using metrics - An empirical evaluation of the OntoMetrics database using statistical evaluation methods" on April 20, 2021 at 10:30 am. The defense will take place online. Supervisors and reviewers were Achim Reiz and Dr. Birger Lantow of the University of Rostock.

The defense will take place in a virtual ZOOM room. All interested parties please register by Tuesday, 20.04. 2021, 08:00 a.m., to submit dial-in data via email to Achim Reiz (achim.reizuni-rostockde).


Since 2016, the publicly available tool OntoMetrics has enabled the calculation of Ontology metrics. Unless explicitly prohibited, the tool collects all analyzed original original files and their evaluations. The goal of this master thesis is in the analysis of these data. With the help of statistical methods three research questions will be answered. (1.) Which of the evaluation metrics available in OntoMetrics are rarely used? Under special consideration the possible causes, e.g. of a modeling decision made. (2.) Are there metrics that correlate with each other? In addition to the individual pairings also groups of metrics are analyzed. (3.) Can the data be further classified by a cluster analysis? be further classified? During the analysis, groups of evaluation metrics are are formed and examined on the basis of the data.
