PoEM in Riga with strong participation of WIN

This year again the renowned scientific conference on practices of enterprise modeling (PoEM 2020) took place, this time as a virtual event organized by the TU Riga. The scientific program of PoEM included five contributions with Rostock participation, two in the main program and three in the workshop on "Managing Complexity (ManComp)".

Main program:

Kurt Sandkuhl, Janis Stirna and Felix Holz: Modeling Products and Services with Enterprise Models

Michael Fellmann, Kurt Sandkuhl, Anne Gutschmidt and Michael Poppe: Structuring Participatory Enterprise Modeling Sessions


Birger Lantow: Prediction of Appointment Duration in Personal Services

Katharina Goltz: Work systems in the context of digital work

Kurt Sandkuhl, Alfred Zimmermann, Rainer Schmidt, Dierk Jugel and Michael Möhring: Managing the Architecture Complexity of Intelligent Digital Systems

More informationen about PoEM is available on the conference homepage (Link zu https://poem2020.rtu.lv/). The above contributions were published in the PoEM proceedings (link zu https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-63479-7) with Springer (main program) or as online proceedings (Link zu  http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2749/) (ManComp).
