ProMoS-Workshop at EDOC in Vienna

In September 2016, the 20th annual “Enterprise Computing Conference“ (EDOC 2016) takes place. The Information Systems Group of Rostock University organizes in conjunction with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (PD Dr. Agnes Koschmider, Andreas Schoknecht) and the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (Prof. Laue) a workshop at this event. The workshop addresses the role of modeling in order to realize the full potential of emerging concepts for smart processes and systems. Such concepts are currently coined as “Cyber-physical Systems”, “Industry 4.0”, “Internet of Things” or even the “Sensing Enterprise”. Making these concepts a reality requires handling complexity (due to e.g. diversity and amount of distributed sensors, data and stakeholders) and change (due to continuous evolution of processes and systems). The workshop hence intends to solicit work from researchers tackling these challenges by working at the intersection of Conceptual Modeling and emerging concepts for smart processes and systems.

For further information and a call for paper, click here.
