Master Defence of Kevin Klaus

Kevin Klaus, business informatics student at the University of Rostock, has completed his master's thesis on the topic of "Process analysis using the example of Case histories in family assistance". Supervisor and expert was Prof. Kurt Sandkuhl from University of Rostock.

The defense took place on 23 October 2019. 


Supporting day-to-day business with digital innovations has been difficult in many areas of personal services in the past. Unlike in other professions, it is not clear how digitization can further improve the work of these professions. This master’s thesis deals with textual analyses that were carried out in cooperation with the GeBEG, a family support organization, based on the textual documentation of a time recording of case histories. A topic model called LDA was compared with two lexicon-based text categorization algorithms and implemented prototypically. Subsequently, two example case histories were analyzed via the three algorithms. The thesis also examines which evaluation methods are suitable for evaluating the analysis results and which requirements the initial data for the analysis must fulfill. Most of the evaluation took place as part of a guideline interview and showed that an emotion-based dictionary algorithm achieves the best results in terms of comparison criteria, most importantly the usefulness in everyday life for employees in family support.
