Felix Hauptmann, M.Sc.


Albert-Einstein-Straße 22
Raum: 350


Telefon: 0381-498 7412
Fax: 0381-498 7512
E-Mail:  felix.hauptmannuni-rostockde 

Sprechzeiten: by arrangement

Curriculum Vitae

Felix Hauptmann completed his bachelor and master studies in computer science at the University of Rostock. During this time, he worked as a student assistant at the Chair of Modeling and Simulation. There he wrote his theses on "Parallelization of the Next Reaction Method for Cell-Biological Simulation" and "Generation of Static Reaction Networks from Dynamically Nested Control Systems" and finished his studies in 2020. He then worked for two and a half years as a software developer on data transmission and processing of reconnaissance equipment, and on simulators for aircrafts.

Back at the university since 2023, he now works as a research assistant in the project "Zentrum für künstliche Intelligenz in Mecklenburg-Vorpommenern". There, he deals with business consulting and feasibility studies around artificial intelligence, as well as the set-up and maintenance of AI demonstrators.