Prof. Dr. Kurt Sandkuhl

Konrad Zuse Haus
Albert-Einstein-Straße 22
Room: 345
Phone: 0381-498 7400
Fax: 0381-498 7512
E-Mail: kurt.sandkuhluni-rostockde
Consultation hours: by arrangement
Curriculum Vitae
Kurt Sandkuhl, born 1963 in Germany, is full Professor of “Business Information Systems” at University of Rostock (Germany) and has an adjunct position as Professor of “Information Engineering” at School of Engineering, Jönköping University. He received a diploma (Dipl.-Inform.) and a PhD (Dr.-Ing.) in computer science from the Berlin University of Technology in 1988 and 1994, respectively. Furthermore, he received the Swedish degree as “Docent” (postdoctoral lecturing qualification) from Linköping University, Institute of Technology, in 2005.
In 2002, Sandkuhl joined School of Engineering at Jönköping University and is responsible for the research group in Information Engineering. From 2003-2010, Sandkuhl was head of Fraunhofer ISST’s project group in information engineering, which was located at Jönköping University. In 2010, Sandkuhl was appointed professor of business information systems at the University of Rostock (Germany).
Sandkuhl’s current research interests include the fields of information logistics, enterprise modeling, ontology engineering, and model-based software engineering. He has published three books in the field of electronic publishing and more than 150 papers in information logistics, enterprise knowledge management, CSCW, information services, and software architectures.