Knowledge reuse and sharing in fractal and networked enterprise

Project profile

• Funded by Baltisch-Deutsches Hochschulkontor

• 1.2.11 - 30.11.11

• Partners: Riga University of Technology and Rostock University


Global economy on one hand and information overload on another hand, create new possibilities and new challenges for knowledge reuse and sharing. Therefore knowledge management models applicable for common corporate organisational structures should be reviewed in order to find new forms of knowledge management applicable for highly dynamic organizations such as networked organisations in general and fractal organizations in particular. Networked and fractal enterprises have been a topic of research at Riga Technical University and an object of interest of Research group led by Kurt Sandkuhl experienced in information logistics. The project aims at bringing together these two research areas that combine the knowledge necessary to define models for knowledge reuse and to share in fractal and networked enterprises.

Fractal and networked enterprises are known as flexible and reliable forms of organization, which require sophisticated management mechanisms that root in well-organized knowledge circulation in the enterprise. The project focuses on two aspects: knowledge reuse and sharing this project form the background for further investigations with respect to knowledge and information systems for fractal and networked enterprises that are recognized as the most viable frameworks of organisational and technical systems. The results of research are to be presented at international research workshop and/or other international scientific events, and incorporated in courses of Business Informatics Masters programs run at Riga Technical University and the University of Rostock.