DEON - Development and Evolution of Ontologies in Networked Organizations
Project profile
• Funded by Swedish Foundation for Internationalisation in Higher Education and Research
• 1.7.08 - 30.06.12
• Partners: Sheffield University (UK) , Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies CNR-ISTC (Rome, Italy) and Jönköping University
• The subject of the cooperation is development and evolution of ontologies from a technical perspective and networked organisations from an application perspective, with specific attention on small-scale business context, i.e. networks of small and medium sized enterprises (SME) or subsidiaries of larger companies with SME-like size and working conditions. PhD education in the areas of ontology engineering and networked organisations currently show a lack of specialised PhD courses. Development and conducting of PhD courses is one of the main objectives of the institutional cooperation. Furthermore, research of four PhD students working in this field shall be supported.
• From a technical perspective, ontologies are a key concept for the ongoing research activities, which include work in ontology development methods, ontology matching and industrial applications of ontologies. The objective of the institutional cooperation is to extend these activities into three directions: semi-automatic ontology construction, ontology population, and ontology evolution. Furthermore, the institutional cooperation is expected to contribute to education on master level.