Capability as a Service in digital enterprises (CaaS)
The capabilities of an enterprise determine competitive advantage and provide business value. Capabilities refer to essential functions of the enterprise that link business goals to business processes, resources and actors. These capabilities are mapped onto IT solutions, such as software services, that are delivered to customers. Aligning an enterprise's capabilities to its service provision is far from a straightforward task especially nowadays that the dominance and volatility of the Internet shifts the problem solving focus, from upfront predictable designs to identifying and capitalizing on emerging and instantaneous business opportunities. Operating in the modern digital business world increases the importance of business agility, for example, in terms of customization, availability and scalability. The requirement for modern information systems is to have the capability of delivering business value considering contextual variations such as, business models of the suppliers, user preferences and past activities, location, resource pricing and demand forecast, as well as local legislation and practices...
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