14th Workshop on Business and IT Alignment (BITA 2024)
in conjunction with 23rd International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research, BIR 2024
A contemporary challenge for enterprises is to keep up with the pace of changing business demands imposed on them in different ways. There is today an obvious demand for continuous improvement and alignment in enterprises but unfortunately many organizations don’t have proper instruments (methods, tools, patterns, best practices etc.) to achieve this. Enterprise modeling, enterprise architecture, and business process management are three areas belonging to business informatics traditions where the mission is to improve business practice and business and IT alignment (BITA). BITA is many times manifested through the transition of taking an enterprise from one state (AS-IS) into another improved state (TO-BE), i.e. a transformation of the enterprise and it’s supporting IT into something that is regarded as better. Recent development within digitalization and digital transformation has brought new dimensions to BITA where BITA becomes an important in relation to smart products and smart business ecosystems. A continuous challenge with BITA is to move beyond a narrow focus on one tradition or technology. There is a need to be able to deal with multi-dimensions of the enterprise to create alignment between business and IT. Examples of such dimensions are organizational structures, strategies, architectures, business models, services, work practices, processes, and IS/IT structures.
This workshop aims to bring together people who have an interest in BITA. We invite researchers and practitioners from both industry and academia to submit original results of their completed or ongoing projects. We encourage to a broad understanding of possible approaches and solutions for BITA. Specific focus is on practices of business and IT alignment, i.e. we have encouraged submission of case study and experiences papers.
Business and IT-Alignment Topics
- Business and IT alignment and smart enterprises
- Best practice business and IT alignment case studies
- Business and IT alignment in small and medium sized enterprises
- Business and IT alignment discovery, change and improvement - methodologies and best practices
- Business and IT alignment and digital transformation
- Business and IT alignment and smart products
- Business and IT alignment through BPM
- Business value of business and IT alignment
- Challenges in business and IT alignment
- Critical success factors and associated KPIs´ for alignment initiatives
- Cybersecurity and business and IT alignment
- Design thinking in business and alignment
- Digital Product Passport and business and IT alignment
- Enterprise architecture management (EAM) for business and IT alignment
- Enterprise modelling as a tool for business and IT alignment
- Experience reports and case studies
- Human aspects of business and IT alignment; organizational staffing and structure, change management and leadership strategies
- IT governance as a mean for alignment
- Metrics associated with the alignment life cycle, re-design, implementation, management and improvement
- Organisational implementations of various levels of business and IT alignment approaches
- Practices of business and IT alignment
Important Dates
- Paper submission: July 7, 2024
- Notification of acceptance: July 24, 2024
- Camera-ready submission: August 21, 2024
- Workshop date: September 11, 2024
Submission Types
- Regular papers should be 11-15 pages long, including figures, tables, appendices and references.
- Short papers should be 6-10 pages long, including figures, tables, appendices and references.
Submissions to BITA 2024 must be made using the submission system EasyChair. All accepted workshop papers will be published in CEUR proceedings. Authors must use the one-column CEUR-ART style for the papers. The CEUR-ART styles can be found in this CEUR Zip file.
A selection of best papers will be invited to submit paper extensions for a special issue of the Journal on Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly (CSIMQ).
September 11, 2024
Session 1 [14:00-15:30]
Energy Management Systems in SME: State of Research and Methodical Considerations
- Marcus Triller and Kurt Sandkuhl
The Interplay Between Knowledge Management and the Social Dimension of Business IT Alignment
- Rikard Kloth and Gideon Mekonnen Jonathan
Integrating Digital and Physical Care for Post-Covid Rehabilitation
- Martin Henkel and Erik Perjons
Session 2 [16:00-17:30]
A Systematic Literature Review of AIenabled Predictive Analytics in Smart Grids
- Theodore Kindong, Björn Johansson and Victoria Paulsson
Application of supervised machine learning models for card payment workflow optimization
- Oskars Rodins
Enterprise Architecture Management Value Creation Mechanisms (online)
- Sofia Tiitinen, Jarkko Nurmi and Ville Seppänen
Program committee chairs
- Ulf Seigerroth, Jönköping University (Sweden) (co-chair)
- Kurt Sandkuhl, University of Rostock (Germany) (co-chair)
Program committee
- Chiara Di Francescomarino, University of Trento, Italy
- Hans-Georg Fill, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
- Jānis Grabis, Riga Technical University, Latvia
- Björn Johansson, Linköping University, Sweden
- Christina Keller, Lund University, Sweden
- Marite Kirikova, Riga Technical University, Latvia
- Hasan Koç, Berlin International University, Germany
- Michael Leyer, University of Marburg, Germany
- Andreas Martin, FHNW University of Applied Sciences Northwestern, Switzerland
- Jens Myrup Pedersen, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Nikolay Shilov, SPIIRAS, Russia
- Alexander Smirnov, SPIIRAS, Russia
- Janis Stirna, Stockholm University, Sweden
- Wieslaw Wolny, University of Economics Katowice, Poland
- Alfred Zimmermann, Reutlingen University, Germany