Erfolgreiche Masterverteidigung von Benjamin Siegler

Am Donnerstag, den 5. April, hat Benjamin Siegler erfolgreich seine Masterarbeit zum Thema “Anwendung von Design-Prinzipien der Referenzmodellierung auf das Gebiet der Unternehmensarchitekturen” verteidigt. Der Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik gratuliert recht herzlich zum erfolgreichen Abschluss des Studiums.

Reference modeling focusses on the Construction and application of reusable models, which are called reference models. The topic of this thesis focusses on the investigation of appropriate methods for adaptation and reuse of reference models, and on their applicability on enterprise architecture structures. Starting point of this work are the design principles for reference modeling (cf. vom Brocke, 2007), namely configuration, specialization, aggregation, analogy and instantiation. The work will start with a literature review about the application of design principles for reference model development. On this basis, the applicability of the design principles to the specifics of enterprise architecture models is analyzed. These findings then will be used to apply them to concrete reference models developed in the context of the COFIN project. The output of the thesis will also contain a procedure description that is based on the insights gained during this work.

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